Friday, August 21, 2009

bloody lip

It's really quite amazing just how many times during a short conversation my teeth bump into one another. I suppose I am noticing this today because yestarday I fell off a mountain bike while riding with coworkers in Fairfield, and although the fall looked pretty bad, my face and specificaly my teeth were there to stop me. Thank goodness my teeth are ok (as far as I can tell so far, anyway). All in all the result is pretty minor, and other than the sternum pain from where I also hit the handlebar as I went ass-over-teakettle, I feel pretty good, and count myself as lucky.

Here's the key: I'd already accepted the fact that I am a novice mountain bike rider, and on many occasions yesterday I got off and walked the bike. Except for one. I walked over a steep down-graded rock, then watched as two of my three buddies completed the rock while still on their bikes. Not wanting this to be the end of it, I had to try again. Which I did. And I fell. It's very strange watching a rock come rocketing towards your face, and not quite knowing what the hell is going to happen. Yes, I am very lucky. And yes I will ride again, but the next time around I won't make a second attempt on a feature or trick that I know I can't do.

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