Thursday, October 22, 2009

rocks in the back yard

Today's topic is yard preparation, specifically my back yard and how I get it ready for lawn, some tress, and maybe a small deck. The deck is a wish list item, and will more or less be temporary until we can afford to install the "real" back yard hardscape (a patio), but the trees and parts of the lawn are for keeps, and we want to get them in soon so that the clay doesn't turn into quicksand when the winter rains come along.

I have access to a rototiller, and I know where I can rent a trencher to install the irrigation, but I'm having problems finding the best way to remove all the small, annoying rocks that are scattered over the yard surface. I bought a rake and tried it out on a small part of the side yard. Of course it works, but it takes a lot of work, and I'd like to be able to do the whole yard and get it done in a reasonable amount of time.

One idea I saw on line was to give some kids each their own bucket, and turn them loose in the yard to collect rocks. Actually I think that's an awesome idea, one that could keep them busy for hours (and give their parents a mental break). But because I don't want to break any child labor laws, does anybody have any ideas? I saw this one awesome thing called a Rock Hound, but you need to rent a skidsteer to use it. That actually sounds pretty cool too. I wonder what that costs?

1 comment:

  1. I know of a couple of kids you could rent for this purpose.
