Thursday, August 27, 2009

bike crash follow-up

The bloody lip is finally healed. It actually healed up quickly, the only weird part was the scab that formed (on my lip) and looked really ugly for a couple days. It's funny how I've found other bruises on myself that I didn't even know I had in the days since I fell. My front tooth behind my lip was sore, but finally last night and today, after a week, it's starting to not hurt any more. The worst part of it all is turning out to be one of my ribs (I think) on my right side. It started hurting last Friday and got steadily worse over the weekend. I really don't think it's broken, but it's definately bruised. And the back side of the same rib hurts as well, which I'm still not sure is sinply because of referred pain, or there is a possibility that the seat of the bike I was on may have actually hit my back and pushed me forward as I was falling down. Good times.

Plenty to do at work, which of course means I'd rather be somewhere else. Plenty of projects to do at home as well ... stain the new hutch for the bathroom, paint two round tables for the living room, strip and paint the coffe table and entertainment center, paint the downstairs bathroom and bedroom, buy and install ceiling fan in the office, texture and paint the garage, put up cupboards in the garage, install vent fan in the garage, install knobs and pulls on cabinets in the bathroom and laundry, and my personal worst example of procrastinating, the one about which I am most terribly embarrased, MAKE A HOUSING for my damn bus destination sign. Not sure why I felt the need to list these all out here. Sometimes it seems like the only way I'll ever get to them all is to take a couple weeks off of work to get them all done. But we all know that never seems to work out in our favor. Maybe if I lived in Europe and had five weeks vacation time available to me every year. Of course I'd also be paying 50% taxes.

Speaking of money, anybody know how to earn more of it? Ha! I've got goals of paying things off, and they aren't being reached very fast.I'm not saying I want to be filthy rich, at this point I'd be happy to just be even.

Off to eat lunch now.

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