Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

Back at work after THREE DAYS IN A ROW NOT WORKING! That was fantastic. I can't even explain how nice it was to not work a weekend. And a holiday weekend at that!

I am at work today, but I took a long-ish lunch and got a hair cut at the Aggie Barber Shop (first time ever patronizing them). They shaved the back of my neck! Never had that done at Supercuts or Great Clips before! Why have I wasted my time with the chain hair cut salons?

Spent Saturday hanging out with my son at the Shaw house while Laura had a much overdue girls day with Jen. I'm fully capable of watching my son for a day without Laura around, but I haven't done much of it because I've been working so much. The little guy just won't sleep during the day. I tried to pump him full of milk, and that worked ok sometimes, but usually after a half hour of "snoozing", he'll wake up suddenly, crying, screaming, angry. I guess it's usually a gas bubble, but anyway he's restless and fussy and just never stops moving. No wonder my poor wife is so tired!

Sunday we drove up into the foothills and actually tasted wine! We haven't been able to get out and do that in ages. Tyler was ... ok. He got pretty fussy at one point, then fell asleep. We made it to two wineries (Lava Cap and Boeger, and no, we didn't see Justin), which was all we were really trying to do, but it was a very nice day out. Then we BBQd at Laura's brother's place back in Folsom.

It's always nice to hang out there because they have an awesome back yard, and the company is great. The drag now is that we have to cut out early to get home and put the kid to bed, which we didn't actually do, and which is probably why he didn't sleep well Sunday night.

Monday my parents came up to visit, which is always nice. My dad and I worked up a plan to build a deck in our back yard. We have this awesome landscape plan that my school friend Arthur Brito created for us, but we can't afford to really do the work right now, so I want to put in a small, temporary deck, then we'll lay sod everywhere else around the deck and around the trees I planted. That way at least we'll have a clean yard and something to enjoy this year, instead of another year of ugly dirt.

So that's the status of things now. Stay Classy San Diego.

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