Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Neil Patrick

It happened again over the weekend. It hasn't happened for a while, but this was perhaps the most random, most unique occurance of this odd trend in my life.

Moments after leaving my old friend's house in Riverbank**, CA, we realized that Tyler needed food if he was going to be happy during the hour drive to our next destination. We pulled over mere blocks from my friend's house and proceeded to feed the kid in the car.

At this point it's dark outside, and the only light around other than a couple street lights is the dome light in our car. I'm feeding Tyler while sitting in the driver's seat, and Laura is getting stuff moved so that she can sit in the rear with him as we drive.

Just then a group of perhaps high school aged kids walks by the car along the sidewalk. As he passes our car, one of them says, I kid you not "that guy looks like Neil Patrick Harris".

What is it? Do I really? No! The only thing interesting about it happening this time is that this is the first time anyone has gone straight to Neil Patrick and not said Doogie Houser. That could easily be rationalized away because Mr. Harris is back in popularity what with "How I Met Your Mother", but the fact that this keeps happening is just plain odd. Typically it's been in face-to-face interactions with someone like a cashier or similar, so this occurrance is definately a unique one.

But really? Dark, late, outside, random walker-by, guy in a car feeding his kid, yeah sure, that must be Neil Patrick Harris.

Maybe the universe is trying to tell me that I should contact Mr. Harris and offer to be his body double, stunt double, or whatever you call a person who helps distract the papparazzi so that you can go about your normal business. Maybe that is my true calling, waiting to be answered.


** Where in the hell is Riverbank, you might ask? East of Salida I answer. And where is that? Why it's just north of Modesto, of course. Geez.

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