Monday, October 25, 2010

drool boy

Tyler has had a cold the last few days, and at the same time he is or has got to be close to cutting anywhere from one to 26 teeth. Subsequently he has been drooling constantly lately. Wait, did I say drooling? I meant he has been waterfalling lately. I realize this is not a new thing for a parent to experience, but I'll play my "first time" card and say that it's just amazing that he hasn't become totally dehydrated.

Also over the weekend he kept his tongue stuck out. For the whole weekend. No, really. It was odd.

Going to work this morning sucked because Tyler was really wanting to play. Like, I'd leave the room for half a second to put on my shoes, and he'd cry out to me. That guy is trying to break my heart! Stupid work! Can't you see that I've got a son at home and I need to play with him? Can't you see that in just a few minutes he'll be leaving for college! Ahh!

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry Andy I know the feeling of having to leave for work and your little ones not wanting you to go. Just wait until he can say "Daddy" and he says it with the saddest of voices or is crying hysterically when you leave...that will really tug at your heart strings.
