Friday, November 19, 2010

tiny hotel soap

Good Morning from the Whale's Vagina. (How's that for a blog opening?) Yes, I am submitting a blog from beautiful San Diego, where my employer has sent me to oversee a hydrostatic pressure test on my hardware (my design, my eqipment, my "other kid"). The stuff I designed is too large to fit into either of the two pressure test chambers that we have back in Davis, and there is a company here in SD with whom we have a pretty good relationship, so every so often we package up our hardware, spend too much on next-day freight, then lower the equipmet into the big water tank and squeeze away to see whether the thing can stand the pressure.

Me personally, althought the testing is interesting, I'd rather be hanging out on the beach. I am in San Diego after all! But this trip is too short; arrived yesterday morning, prepped to test all day long, test today, and hopefully have time to pull the equipment out of the chamber and package it back up for shipment before I hop on a plane back home tonight. One night away from my wife and kid is too much already.

What is the deal with the tiny hotel soaps anyway? Even if I were staying here for a couple days, there's no way I'd ever use much of the small bar they provide. Where does all that soap go? Seriously? Either there is a LOT of soap in landfills, or some couple of families somewhere have a lot of soap furniture.


I did have just enough time last night to drive around and (very) briefly see the regular sights that Laura and I like; the UCSD campus, the Torey Pines Gliderport, La Jolla and La Valencia (where we were married), Mission Bay. I felt really guilty for visiting the Gliderport without Laura (it was one of her favoriate, and most relaxing places to visit when she was in school here); the cool sea breaze is suprisingly refreshing and relaxing; both Laura and I could really use a lot of that. I had time for only a few deep breaths before I had to move on.

Anyway, back to it now, time to eat and get to the test facility again.

Good Morning, and Stay Classy San Diego.

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