Tuesday, January 8, 2013

new year, new yogurt

Of all the things I could possibly talk about, today I come to you with yogurt.  Apparently this "protien" stuff is an important part of a "complete" meal, and even more so if one expects to be able to run a half marathon (which I am, the Shamrock'n, some time in March).  So, as of yesterday, I have started (trying) to consume "Greek" yogurt.  My first attempt was honey flavor and was rather blah since the flavor was more plain, yucky un-flavored yogurt (all those cultures don't have very much flavor culture by themselves) and less delicious, pooh bear favored honey.  Luckily today's contestant (blueberry) is posting some great results so far, and I expect to continue this grand experiment.

By experiment I mean, of course, that I expect the consumption of Greek yogurt alone to make me fit, trim, and fast.  (Note that I have consumed yogurt off and on for years, but this is my first foray into the world of "Greek" products.  Note also that I like to put "Greek" in "quotes" because it is presently striking me as "funny", and because as far as I can tell, "Greek" is a style, and no Greek people were harmed in the making of this yogurt.  Note also lastly that I am reading a book by Ellen Degeneres right now, and I find it amusing the way she draws topics out much farther than they need to be drawn.)

So on that whole topic of running, I had long wanted to run a marathon, but in 2007 when I dislocated my hip, my running future looked very bleak.  Fast forward 5 years, and really, honestly, I should not be doing a whole lot of running, but I (more or less) enjoy it, it's easy to put on shoes and just go, and one of my co-workers has peer-pressured me into doing a half after he completed his first full marathon.  So I look at it this way, I may still never run a full marathon, but this, at least, is an attempt at redeeming what I long wanted to do (the full marathon) way back when.

The problem now, of course, is that the best time to do this was back in 2000 (was in great shape from having rowed a little in college) or 2004 (was in great shape from rowing in Boston) or 2009 (was in great shape from rowing at River City in West Sac), but of course I had "other things" going on which prevented me from training for a run.  Over the last 2-3 years I've become a father twice, worked more hours, exercised less, and like many people with best interests in mind, have actually gotten less muscular-strong.

So bring on the yogurt.  And the jogging.  And the sit ups.  We'll see what we (and by we I mean me) can accomplish this year.

1 comment:

  1. Right there with you, buddy. I'm doing a "marathon" in February.

    Man, I'm tired just thinking about it.
